Dynamic Meditation Technique
Dynamic meditation prepares our mind for static silent meditation.
By singing the universal mantra and doing a simple dance, our mind is gradually moving towards the spiritual ideation.

This practice involves our motor organs and sensory organs - hearing, vision and sense of touch. They help to concentrate on the mantra.

The more we focus on it, the more sweetness and joy we are experiencing. One starts feeling the desire to stop and immerse into the silent meditation. It means the goal of the dynamic meditation has been reached.

Let us have a closer look at each element of this practice:
Singing the universal mantra for at least some minutes is recommended before each meditation in order to create the meditative mood.


The thing is that pleasant music and the universal idea elevate the mind and take it away from the influence of the material world.
We can feel this effect when we sing the mantra Baba Nam Kevelam. While singing one is experiencing a very special feeling – bhava, which is the ideational flow inspired by the meaning of the mantra.

Baba means “unlimited consciousness” or “cosmic consciousness”.
Nam means “name”.
Kevalam – “only”, or “all there is”.

So, Baba Nam Kevalam means: “Only the name of the unlimited consciousness” or “all is the expression of the cosmic consciousness”.
Since the idea of the supreme Consciousness is transcendental and lies beyond our understanding, it is difficult to comprehend it. However, we can try to approach the idea of the mantra by dint of the elevated feelings, which are still beyond our understanding, such as love, freedom, joy, inspiration, calmness, etc.

Find the feeling inspiring you right now. It will help to reach high states of mind.

Meditation practice as well as the practice of singing mantra are not effective if done automatically, without emotions.

Lalita Marmika Dance
The word “lalita” means beauty, gracefulness, and gentleness; “marma” means the very core of our heart. That is why the name of the dance is translated like “the dance of inner beauty”. It helps us to get in touch with our innermost Supreme I, with the very core of our self.

The dance is done standing and consists of the two elements – the rhythm and the mudra.
  • Rhythm
The movement of the legs creates the rhythm. With the tip of the big toes we delicately and gently hit the floor behind our heels slightly bending the knee of the supporting leg. This hitting with our toes is done with the strong beat of mantra chanting. It helps to keep the rhythm and flow during the collective dynamic meditation.

On the tip of the big toe there is a point connected with the sahasrara cakra, which is located on the top of the head. Its stimulation creates favorable mood for meditation.

Slightly bending your knees, we warm up the joints and prepare them for meditation posture. Shifting the body weight from one leg to another calms the mind down. A similar feeling is experienced by the baby being rocked by its mother. There is a symbolic meaning of such leg movement, which is “I step on the earth gently not harming anyone”.
  • Mudra
Mudra is a gesture that expresses our inner state to the external world. In this dance we use two mudras.

1. The palms kept together in front of the chest. When a person is experiencing a deep spiritual feeling, gratitude or love, their palms come together in front of the chest. This gesture symbolizes that their 5 sensory organs (one palm) and 5 motor organs (another palm) are aiming at the supreme goal.

2. The arms raised up above the head. Spiritual sensations, like joy, may arise when we are doing dynamic meditation with good concentration on the idea of the mantra.

In this case, the arms involuntarily rise up. This gesture symbolizes releasing of the unit consciousness from its shell. A person is opening up to the Universe, breaks through their fetters of the mind and lets go of their fears, worries, limited view of the world. They start feeling the touch of the limitless and eternal.

Mudras may change each other. Ideally the arms should not go down, however it depends on the concentration on the idea of the mantra. The higher the concentration is, the easier it is to hold the hands up. This is because of the energy that is awakened in the anahata cakra.

It is important to remember that apart from concentration of the idea of the universal mantra the focus should also be kept on the sahasrara cakra (top of the head). This will help to gain awareness, since this center is in charge of the connection with the supreme Consciousness. As you proceed doing dynamic meditation the feeling that there is nothing remained but the eternity will come.

The eyes should better be closed, but you may open them from time to time in order not to bump into something or to make sure that you have not gone to the kitchen
The time of this practice can vary. For a start, you may sing the mantra and dance lalita marmika for 3-5 minutes, however the duration of this practice may reach 20-30 minutes or more.

Some time is needed to get used to lalita marmika and singing the mantra, but dynamic meditation definitely is very important. Therefore, let go of all your doubts, constraint and hesitance and just do it. After a while, or maybe even from the first time you are sure to realize that this practice is a true treasure.
In order to help you to feel and appreciate the dynamic meditation we have created Kirtan-marathon. You can join the marathon any time. You will learn the intricacies of the practice and develop the habit of doing it regularly.

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