Society is like a river. The river follows its course between the riverbanks. And the society follows its path directed by the values. What are these values? It is the understanding of the purpose of life, the ability to recognize the most important things. In other words, the values are the ideology. For however long you can scold the water, because of its flowing in the wrong direction, the problem is not in the water. The problem is in the riverbed, means, the water flows where it is directed by the riverbed.
That is to say, all the people will anyway follow common values based on the accepted in the society ideology. Nowadays the ideology of material values dominates, that is why people act in accordance with this ideology. It means, if the highest values are, for example, money, popularity or power, then, naturally, the people would go to any length to reach them. There is certainly the spiritual ideology in our world, but it has gone deep underground and flows like an underground river. High values like goodness,benevolence, selflessness, etc. are still there, but they are not in the mainstream, they are somewhere there, under the surface. However, they are still flowing, being transferred from generation to generation; and it saves the world. The underground river of the spiritual ideology is very powerful, so if we would like the society to take another course, first of all, we are to change its values. As soon as the values change, the way people live will also change.
Evolution – the Movement of the Leaders
Our true physical needs are very, very moderate – we need some comfort, which can be easily achieved. But in every person there is infinite thirst for the Supreme, that is the Infinity itself. If the way to the Infinite is not shown to a person, the one will desperately try to realize this desire in the material world. Therefor there is imbalance and lack of equilibrium in our society. That is why our primary goal is to change the social values.
If the way to this Infinite is not shown to the person, the one will desperately try to realize his/her desire of the Infinite in the material world.
One can infect other people with his/her values, but he/she must be burning with these values and following them in everyday life. To keep this fire burning such a crucial element as spiritual practice is needed. Spiritual practice transforms the personality and the desires, changes the values; so, there should be both of these things [values and spiritual practice] in the society. Spiritual practice helps to develop love for the humanity, the people become passionaries. Such personalities are able to create something progressive, which will encourage the development of all the people in the field of culture, music, arts, education, economy, manufacturing or distribution and trade. A small group of people genuinely committed to what they do is able to change the climate in the society within 10, 15, 20 years. That is my dream but I can’t convince everyone. However, I can inspire several hundreds or thousands of people to accept the new values. Any evolution, any development is not a movement of the masses but a movement of passionaries. For example, we owe the invention of a car not to the masses of people, but to one or two passionaries.
Spiritual ideology
Our human society extremely needs new values. New core values. More and more often people are asking themselves: “Who am I? Where am I going? What is the supreme purpose of my life? What am I to do in this world?” These people are on the verge of spiritual awakening and they will get their answers soon. Asking these questions, having doubts about the answers, getting answers in the spiritual practice and doubting again, they gradually come to realization of their true purpose. The final understanding and acceptance of the answers means that they have mastered the ideology. The spiritual ideology consists of two parts. The first one is: “I live for self-realization, liberation of mind. This is my highest goal. I respect my body, I respect my mind, I understand and take care of my mental and physical health, but at the same time I make an effort to liberate my mind”. The second part: “I serve this Universe, with my participation the Universe must take a step forward, it can’t remain where it is. Let at least a few people rise up thanks to my effort, and the civilization will take a step up to a higher stage of development”.
More and more often people are asking themselves: “Who am I? Where am I going? What is the supreme purpose of my life? What am I to do in this world?” These people are on the verge of spiritual awakening and they will get their answers soon.
One of the ancient masters, Shri Krishna, identified three constituents of the spiritual path:pariprashnena, pranipatena and sevaya. The path begins with pariprashnena, with the most important questions being raised: “What is the purpose of my life? Where am I going? What is my highest potential?” The second constituent is pranipatena. A person must surrender to the Supreme, to His will. When you ask yourself, you, actually, address to your inner essence, which is God. And from the depth of your consciousness God answers you: “You are an immortal, divine soul, and your goal is to save this world. You are the hero of the day”. You can ask: “Why me? And not somebody else?” God answers: “No, it is you, it is you who must perform the duty”. And here we need pranipatena – surrender and commitment to the Supreme will. When this happens, you are going to accept your destiny. The third constituent is sevaya. “Seva” means to serve, selflessly serve all the beings. Sometimes there is a conflict between the inner urge and the mind. Deeply inside you know what is right, but your mind says: “You know, it’s not a good time yet, it’s not going to work out now, because I have a mortgage and a lot of other things.” And a person chooses to follow his mind more than intuition. Mind is a very limited, temporary structure, which is based on limited experience. But nevertheless, people trust it and tell to their inner urge: “No, no, my mind is telling me to do the other way”.
Hero’s consciousness
When the Supreme Consciousness sounds within your heart, take a step forward and the path will appear under your feet. You’ll follow this path to the finish line, and it will be your triumphant victory. And it’s a very difficult stage, it is called pranipatena, you need to trust your inner calling, and after that, when it happens, you will be able to perform seva and selflessly help all the beings.
All the people have the same true values, because by nature we all are very good people – altruistic and heroic. We are beautiful creatures, but modern society is organized in such a way that our best qualities remain suppressed. In this daily rush people fail to hear their inner calling, that is why many of them never know genuine happiness. Every person once asks himself or herself a question: “What do I want?” There are some temporary goals like a car, a trip to some place, etc. However, if we think deeply whether a new car can be considered to be our life goal, we will certainly realize that it cannot. Try to develop the awareness within yourself as that of a hero, a historical personality.
When the Supreme Consciousness sounds within your heart, take a step forward and the path will appear under your feet.
We need to do our best to change the social values, and people’s consciousness will take a new course, will be directed by new “riverbed”. Let it be narrow at the beginning, but it is going to expand, as more and more people will be accepting new values and becoming happy. The old “riverbed” with former values will dry up sooner or later, and people will remember it as a nightmare.
When the Supreme Consciousness sounds within your heart, take a step forward and the path will appear under your feet. You’ll follow this path to the finish line, and it will be your triumphant victory.
The old “riverbed” with former values will dry up sooner or later,
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