Why meditation cannot be taught for money

One of the most common arguments in favor of paid lessons of meditation is as follows: assuming that any work is exchange of energy, so any labor has to be rewarded. There is, certainly, some truth in this statement, since something obtained for free is rarely appreciated. However, in case with meditation such approach is unacceptable. Why?

The answer is simple: any fee charged will limit, depreciate and diminish the value of meditation practice. Teachers of meditation should not charge money for teaching the practice, because when you are taught the meditation technique and then practice it, the progress, that you would make within your life, will be equal to that made in dozens of lives. Your experience, your life will become ten times richer; and the intenseness and beauty of a single life would compare to a dozen of lives.

any fee charged will limit, depreciate and diminish the value of meditation practice.
How much does it cost? Is there any criterion to measure such an opportunity? An attempt to commercialize teaching of the meditation looks very cynical in relation to the process of meditation itself. Besides, there is no such profession as a teacher of mediation. It is a mission. That is why if your goal is to make it your profession, you do not qualify to teach meditation. The true teacher of meditation should live at least on the level of Anahata chakra; avarice brings the mind down.

If you would like to teach meditation and get paid, you do not qualify for this job. To teach meditation, you are to possess a feeling of mission. As a teacher, you are to aspire to the welfare of all living beings to such extent, that despite of any obstacles and turmoil, you would continue teaching without any reward because this is your duty, your mission! Such a teacher pays maximum attention to the welfare, progress of his students, and would never give anything that might harm them. Such a teacher would feel, which practice a disciple needs at a particular moment, which is inappropriate and might increase tamasic tendencies in his mind and bring him to “dark side”.

What is the real cost of meditation?
Anyhow, should one pay for meditation? Paying for meditation should be endless. Because this debt cannot be settled. There are unpayable debts: the debt to your parents, and the holy debt to your Guru, your spiritual Master. But how can you repay the debt to your Guru? First, you are to realize what Guru’s will is and know what Guru needs. Initially, you have to understand that a microcosm has many desires, but little capacities. The Macrocosm has a lot of potentialities, but only one desire. This single desire is that all living beings obtained happiness and liberation. Thus, you would fulfill Guru's desire, if you contribute the welfare of all the living beings. That is to say, if Guru desires something for himself, that would discredit him as Guru. If you realize, that Guru has a mission, then you would do everything possible to make this mission come true, assist in realizing the mission on your level, within your surrounding, thus, promoting the welfare of all the Creation. This is going to be your payment for the practice of meditation you once learnt.
You set the fire of selfless love within yourself, and with its help you work on creating welfare for all the beings. This is the true payment to your Guru for meditation practice.
To learn meditation is our birthright. However, your payment for it should be in the form of serving the world. You set the fire of selfless love within yourself, and with its help you work on creating welfare for all the beings. This is the true payment to your Guru for meditation practice.

If you are living, having accepted such ideology, then you are a mature person; your life is going on the level of the higher chakras. A person, living on the lower chakras, thinks differently: “Please, just leave me alone. Just tell me how much I own you!” Such a person is willing to give only a tiny little piece of his energy to this world.

Bargaining with the Master
Once, a businessman, who got initiated, managed to receive a personal contact with the Master. They went for a walk and the businessman suggested: “Let me sponsor all your schools and all your ashrams, and in return you will bless me and make my wealth grow?” This made Guru very angry, He did something with the businessman’s mind and then said, “Look there. Look at that mountain. What do you see? What mountain is that?” The businessman answered, “It is a mountain of gold!” The Master continued, “You think, I need your chump change? Who do you think you are? All your wealth is nothing, but dust, compared to the practice I have already given to you. These things are incomparable! How can you possibly insult me like that?”

The fair exchange is one-to-one. You exchange yourself for infinity.
Some people think that infinity can be bought for some material wealth. No, it cannot. This exchange is not fair. The equal exchange is one-to-one. You exchange yourself for infinity. You devote all your life for the welfare of the world and all the living beings, for the realization of the highest mission and highest ideals. We may say, this is the way you earn meditation. Meditation, certainly, gives you much more. Even your service itself gives you much more, because when you are doing it, you find yourself in the divine flow, and there is nothing, that can compare to that.
You devote all your life for the welfare of the world and all the living beings, for the realization of the highest mission and highest ideals.
Fulfilling Guru’s Wish
At the moment a person is transferring the universal knowledge, he becomes a vessel, a conduit, a receptacle of the cosmic. At this very moment, he is feeling the divine flow, feeling, that he is living properly. This internal flow heals a lot within him.

How much does it cost? How much does such a subtle operation on your mind and body cost? An operation, which transforms you, makes you a completely different person, opens up new horizons and lights the fire of love within? How much does it cost? It cannot be measured with money. You are to understand that the true Guru does not need anything. It means He does not need anything material. He already has it all. He does not need anything psychic. He has it as well. He does not need fame, honor or worship. He needs none of these. He is self-sufficient. What does He desire? He wants you to change yourself, to achieve freedom, to become like Him, to reach infinity. So, by fulfilling Guru’s dream, by realizing His mission, you are just living for the sake of your liberation, for your development and for evolution of the other living beings. This is the payment for meditation; there is no other way to pay, and it can’t be otherwise.

...the true Guru does not need anything. It means He does not need anything material. He already has it all...
One might need something, but the Source does not need anything. Acharya gives initiation from the Source, not from himself/herself. Could one charge money for something, which is transmitted from the Source? Definitely not. Acharya is fulfilling the mission, which comes from the Source, the mission, which is relevant at all times. If you want to support the mission, you are always welcome! Stand together and do that!
If you want to support the mission, you are always welcome! Stand together and do that!
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