The next lesson is "Tattva Dharana" (tattva - essence; dharana - concentration). The microcosm body consists of five fundamental factors, including the mind and consciousness. The fundamental factors are controlled by the five lower chakras. The Ajina chakra controls the mind, while the Sahasrara controls consciousness.
"Tattva Dharana" is the practice of influencing the five lower chakras. It is performed in the yogic posture "Virasana" or the Hero pose. This practice provides a tremendous amount of psychic energy. Energy and specific mantras for each chakra strengthen and harmonize these chakras. This practice alone cannot lead to liberation or realization of the ultimate Truth since it involves fundamental factors. The ultimate Truth is transcendent. However, such practice can free one from the influence of these factors. The less influence on the physical body, the higher one can ascend in meditation. When mentally touching the controlling centers of the chakras, a calm and comfortable state, known as "sthira sukham," is achieved, and inner restlessness dissipates.
Chakras are like lotus flowers with a center surrounded by petals. Each of these petals represents specific emotions. For example, in the Anahata chakra, there are representations of love, hope, vanity, hypocrisy, conscience, and willpower. These are different inclinations of our mind. Controlling the chakras implies controlling these qualities as well. Chakras are usually dormant and closed, but when they become strong, they open up like a flower bud. All the petals unfold, reflecting a degree of personality manifestation. A person becomes charismatic because their emotions are in an ideally balanced state. Emotions consume a lot of energy. They simply "eat up" our energy if not controlled. This especially applies to the lower centers. If, at some point, the emotions of the lower centers start to rage, a lot of energy is spent. After this, it becomes very difficult to meditate because you are dealing with "digesting" low thoughts. Control over the chakras allows for the accumulation of psychic strength, which remains within. Accumulating a lot of psychic strength activates "Aeshvarya" – the superpower of the mind. This is a tempting moment for any yogi, and one must be able to overcome it. If one gets carried away with occult powers, the main prize - mukti and moksha, liberation and salvation – will never be attained.
There are three channels in the spine – Ida, Pingala, and Sushumna, which start in the Muladhara. The first two channels rise upwards in a wavy pattern and end in the nostrils: the right – Pingala – the solar channel, and the left – Ida – the lunar channel. When we digest food, perform physical work, the right, solar channel works. It warms the body and gives physical strength. For intellectual activities, meditation, and asanas, the left channel is ideal. It cools the body and enhances concentration. These channels are coarse and thick. The central channel, Sushumna Nadi, is very subtle and delicate. It goes directly from the Muladhara chakra to the Sahasrara. At the base of this channel lies "Jivabhava" or Kundalini. If it rises even half a centimeter upwards, the spiritual seeker feels divine presence, bliss. The higher Kundalini rises, the deeper the feeling of bliss and realization of Truth. When it reaches Sahasrara, complete spiritual realization occurs. Unity awareness is achieved, individual essence merges with the cosmic, and they become one whole. Now all the knowledge possessed by the Higher is also available to the realized spiritual seeker, who exists not as a separate personality but as a superpersonality, the highest Being. But to reach Sahasrara, Kundalini must pass through all the chakras. Ida and Pingala channels intersect in the chakras, creating a knot that Kundalini cannot pass. For this, the knot must weaken, which happens if the chakra is under control. Chakras open either through perseverance in the first lesson of meditation or through the practice of the third lesson, which strengthens the chakras.
So, the effects of the third lesson of meditation are as follows: 1) the mind is freed from the influence of fundamental factors, reducing attachment to the physical world, body, and thoughts, and improving concentration. 2) Emotions are brought under control. 3) knots in the chakras weaken, improving spiritual practice.