1. Physical position.
Different physical sitting postures:
- Padmásana - lotus position,
- or Ardha padmásana - the half-lotus position,
- or a bhojanásana - cross-legged sitting posture,
- or sitting on a chair (if the previous positions are uncomfortable, but keeping the back unsupported to facilitate alertness)
The back should be as straight as possible and shoulders relaxed. The eyes are closed, the tongue is folded in half in the mouth (the lower side touches the upper palate). The hands are joined together and rest on the feet.
The back should be as straight as possible, with the heart area open and shoulders relaxed. The eyes are closed, the tongue is folded in half in the mouth (the tip of the tongue touching the roof of the mouth). The hands are joined together, placing the right palm over the left, and resting them on the lap.
2. IMAGINATION is used to disconnect the senses from the outside world and then is also discarded.
You imagine yourself in a very beautiful spacious natural place.
Two sensations are important here
1. the space is vast - nothing gets in the way of your attention;
2. you are sitting completely alone, there is no one else around. It is a pleasant calm feeling.
The mind will seek to "run away," but you will return it back to the object of your concentration. When you are satisfied with the quality of your imagination, move on to the next phase.
3. BREATH. Leave imagination, stop supporting it and turn your attention to breathing. Watch how air fills your lungs and how it leaves your lungs. When you watch the breath, you will forget about the outside world and about your body. Only the breathing process will remain.
You have completed the first stage of meditation, that is, you have withdrawn your attention from limited objects: the external world and the sensations of your body. Now move on to infinity meditation.