5. Practice asanas only if the air flows through the left nostril or through both nostrils. If the left nostril is blocked in any way, one must refrain from doing asanas, except
three basic asanas. While breathing one of the nostrils is usually dominant - more air flows through it. The nostril dominance shifts periodically due to the movement of vital energy in the body. One should perform asanas when the energy flows through the left channel, because this will enable the body and mind to be in a subtler state. In order to activate the left nostril you should lie on your right side resting your head on your right shoulder and breath in a measured manner for several minutes.
6. Take sattvic food and follow the lacto-vegetarian diet.
7. Avoid doing asanas on a full stomach. There should be at least a 2.5-3 hours gap between the meal and asana practice.
8. After practicing asanas massage your entire body – arms, legs, especially joints very well.
9. After completing the massage, stay in a "corpse posture" (shavasana) for at least two minutes: lie down on the floor and cover with a blanket to avoid catching a cold. Completely relax by spreading arms and legs. Imagine that your body and mind have become motionless and totally relaxed. Stay in this position for a few minutes.